2 November

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International | Attacks


Defending the safety of journalists and the integrity of elections


On the 2023 International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, UNESCO’s theme is “Violence against journalists, the integrity of elections, and the role of public leadership” — and IFEX has something to say about that!


Africa | Access to Information


High stakes: Interventions to diffuse tensions and support safety of journalists during elections


Special International Day to End Impunity Issue: Reyhana Masters’ latest Africa brief shines a light on the intersections between impunity, journalists’ safety, and elections, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.


Europe & Central Asia | Access to Information


Threat-patterns: Endangering journalists during elections; plus a landmark moment for SLAPPs


Special International Day to End Impunity Issue: Cathal Sheerin’s latest Europe & Central Asia brief shines a light on the intersections between impunity, journalists’ safety, and elections, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.


Americas | Access to Information


A constant struggle: Impunity and journalists’ safety in electoral contexts in the Americas


Special International Day to End Impunity Issue: Laura Vidal’s latest Americas brief shines a light on the intersections between impunity, journalists’ safety and elections, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.


Asia & Pacific | Attacks


Elusive justice: Combatting election disinformation and impunity; journalists freed in China and Afghanistan


Special International Day to End Impunity Issue: Mong Palatino’s latest Asia and Pacific brief shines a light on the intersections between impunity, journalists’ safety, and elections, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.


Middle East & North Africa | Access to Information


Egypt’s elections in a restrictive civic space, impunity fuels targeting of journalists in Palestine and Sudan


Special International Day to End Impunity Issue: Naseem Tarawnah’s latest Middle East & North Africa brief shines a light on the intersections between impunity, journalists’ safety, and elections, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.