Call for continuing transparency and dialogue in passage of Uruguay’s media law

This article is more than 9 years old

Recent articles in Uruguay

IFEX-ALC urges Uruguayan parliament not to repeal media law

The bill under discussion, if passed, could seriously affect freedom of expression and result in a direct departure by the Uruguayan state from its international human rights commitments.

IFEX-ALC calls for investigation into possible act of retaliation against CAinfo’s work

The IFEX-ALC network expresses its solidarity with its member in Uruguay, the Centro de Archivos y Acceso a la información Pública-CAinfo. Since its creation in 2008, CAinfo has played a leading role as a serious, rigorous and committed defender and promoter of freedom of expression and access to information in Uruguay.

IFEX-ALC rejects impending legislative setbacks in Uruguay

IFEX-ALC rejects the content of a draft Law of Urgent Consideration brought forward by the current Uruguayan government. If approved with its current wording, it will imply serious setbacks for the country, with regard to human rights, and a violation of international conventions to which Uruguay adhered through parliamentary ratification.